Takaro is a consumer electronics business that has created a massive digital and interactive platform. Their hardware and software solutions have been combined to form the Takaro Playground, a revolut...
Founded by Yoav Amaral on September 1, 2018, Ascending Robotics is a Tel Aviv-based company that provides autonomous storage warehouses for parking with low-cost infrastructure and operations as a ser...
CADY is revolutionizing the inspection and verification of Printed Circuit Board (PCB) schematics by utilizing AI technology. CADY's comprehensive pilot program has already demonstrated how its user-f...
Muralise offers a variety of interior design services for residential, commercial, hotel, restaurant, and school settings. Customers can easily get in touch with the company via phone, email, or onlin...
LightSolver is working on creating an optical solver to locate the most effective solutions for even the most complex computational issues in the quickest amount of time. They are inventing a revoluti...